Time is traveling way to fast. I realize that I say that all the time, but it never ceases to amaze me how I blink and my baby isn't a newborn anymore. She is growing and changing all of the time. She hardly looks like the infant I brought home 3 short months ago.
On the flip side though, she smiles and is on the brink of laughing. It mostly comes out as a grunt with an occasional squeal, but she's close! Kaden started actually belly laughing at his 3 month photo shoot with Carpenter Photography just a couple of days after he turned 3 months. We are about a week and a half after Kindi's (I know, I am slow getting these up. Sorry!) so I expect to hear that wonderful baby belly laugh any day now. I love the milestones.
As it seems is always the case these days, Kindi was fighting a bit of a cold when we took these pictures. She did a good job anyways.
Isn't her dress cute! The Wahl's gave that to us.
Just playing a bit. I downloaded Gimp for photo editing, but I never have the time to figure out how to use it so I just use my basic Picasa.
It is so much fun to see how different and how similar Kaden and Kindi look. I love comparing Kaden's monthly birthdays with Kindi's.
Thrilling news! Okay, so maybe it won't be incredibly exciting for you, but for me? Oh, yeah. I finally got a remote for my camera!!! So what that means is that I can set my camera up on a tripod and stand across the room to take a picture! It will be great for family photos at Christmas, no more pressing the button, then running to your spot and waiting, and wondering, did it take the pic yet? Now I can just set up, walk calmly to my designated position and say 'Smile!', and with the click of a button concealed in my hand we have a family portrait.
It also works great for taking pictures of little kids who have a tendency to tip over when you let go. In the above picture I have my hands under Kindi's skirt helping her to balance while she stands. I couldn't do that before! Of course the problem is that if they move they might not be fully in the picture.
This one is my favorite. I finally got a full smile out of her and her cute little hat (which is way to big) is actually on her head! Too bad she started tipping right as I clicked the button.