Kindi has really been struggling with being the little one. She would fuss and fuss and fuss unless she was being held in an upright position. Usually standing was required although sometimes you could get away with letting her sit up on your lap. She watched Kaden running and jumping and wanted desperately to be a part of it. I was about to the point of losing my sanity with all of the fussing, when my Mom saved the day! She found this 'Bounce, Bounce, Baby!' at a garage sale.
Now Kindi can stand to her hearts content and I don't have to hold her all day, I can even get things done once in awhile! I was beginning to doubt that would ever happen again! The bottom has three height settings and is suspended with three strong bungee type straps. Now my fussy little girl can be found giggling and bouncing with a big smile on her face.
To say that she is always happy and content in it would be a bald faced lie. I fear she will always be my cranky little girl, but we have much more content times and they even last longer than 2 minutes now! She does the best in it when Kaden will play with her or at least be playing in her nearby vicinity. Kaden loves to play with her, but...
He likes it better when she is somewhere else and he can just play with her toys by himself!
It's about right for his knees! It gives enough that he can't crawl out of it by himself though.
We take this thing everywhere! It travels through the house all day long as I work in the kitchen, living room or bedrooms and it even goes outside with us.
Kindi loves to play in it outside where she can watch the tree leaves rustle in the wind. In fact she does so good in it out there that Jeremy had her in it while he worked in the garden and I was working on dinner and he almost forgot she was there. If she hadn't started talking to herself he might have come in without her.
So glad your little girl is enjoying her jumparoo thing. *smile* There is less guilt when they are content and we do something that has NOTHING to do with them, than when we think they are fine and out of nowhere they need us like no tomarrow and we had just gotten going on something like the dishes. *smile* Have a great day and know that God is alive. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!