Kaden has such a helpful spirit. This is a good thing, and we hope he stays that way to balance out the stubborn side to his spirit! So even if it is less than helpful we try to be patient and let him do his thing.
Kaden loves to pick the tomatoes. He relished the afternoons when Daddy was home to take him out to the garden to bring in the tomatoes for me to can. He often came bursting into the kitchen carrying some new treasure that he (or Daddy) had picked to show me. Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, beans, they were all wonderfully exciting! Unfortunately it wasn't until the end of the season that he figured out you are only supposed to pick the red tomatoes. But maybe that was because the season was so stupid this year that we didn't have any ripe ones until the end of the season! Once he figured that out though, he could often be found wandering around the garden and yard with a big juicy tomato dripping from his fingers and mouth. Just like an apple!
We had an incredibly irritating problem with flies this year. After watching his Daddy successfully combat the nasty vermin, Kaden knew that he too was destined to be a fly killer. He cracked us up, he would hear or see a fly and whip his head around to follow it exclaiming, "Uh, oh!". If he could find a swatter within his reach he was quick to flail it around, accomplishing nothing but bringing a smile to our faces. Which is even better than killing flies!
Oops! I forgot to rotate this one. So tilt your head to the left for a moment!
We are having issues with the wiring in our 1950's house. It just wasn't made to handle two computers, including monitors, modems and speakers, two printers, and a phone. Go figure! So we were having problems with them all just randomly blinking off for a moment, kind of like a quick power flicker, but only in this one corner of the house. Then Jeremy heard the outlet sizzle, so we had to do some rearranging. Now we have extension cords running all around the room trying to spread out our power draw. I think Jeremy and Max are going to put in a new breaker and outlet just for the computers next time they make it down. As you can see, Kaden was a great helper as Daddy was crawling behind the desks trying to replace the fried socket and reroute things.
Whatcha doing Daddy? Need some help?
Our ever resourceful son. If you can't get in by climbing over Daddy's back there must be another way. Just climb under the desk instead!
More recently Jeremy has been tearing down the garden getting it all ready for the long cold winter months. He had some T posts in the ground that he needed to pull. They were stuck really good, so he called in his back up... Kaden Raymond to the rescue!
The worked and worked at it. They dug out the bottom with a shovel, shook the pole, and pulled really hard.
Kaden is such a mimic, so in perfect Daddy fashion he grabbed the pole, pulled hard and grunted. It was priceless!
And in perfect little boy fashion he decided to climb the extra hog wire that hadn't been torn down yet! He was quite impressed with himself as he went up and down.