Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sibling Love

Here is a photo collection of Kaden and Kindi enjoying each other.
Petting his sister.
I put Kindi on Kaden's belly after he had a bath and he thought it was great!   The first time I just set her there for a second then picked her up again.  He promptly started 'please, please-ing' me and reaching out for her to be put her back.
He is always trying to get her to suck on him. 
The other day I left Kindi in her bouncy chair in Kaden's room where we had all been playing, and Kaden and I went into the kitchen for something.  Well he left the kitchen and I was quick to follow him, but not quick enough!  Before I could get to them he had already 'shared' a grape with his sister!  Talk about scary!  Luckily she didn't try to swallow it or anything, but she was very confused and I had a hard time getting her to open her mouth enough for me to get it out.  It's so hard because he is trying to be nice and share with is sister, but he just doesn't understand that she isn't old enough for that kind of stuff yet!
Look at her so strong and Kaden clearly loving this!
Hooray for snuggles!
Checking each other out.
Kaden loves to hug Kindi and hold her.
He likes to think that he is doing it all by himself.
My babies hanging out on the floor.
It might look like Kaden is giving Kindi her pacifier, and perhaps he is... but only so he can take it again, then give it back again, then take it again...

Papa's 4-Wheeler

Kaden went on his first 4 wheeler ride with Papa a couple of weeks ago.
I had my camera set on action shot since they were moving, unfortunately it doesn't flash then, so the pictures are a bit dark.
When he saw me he started crying and wanted off.  I was fairly shocked!  My boy is fearless and had been wanting to ride that thing forever.  (He can crawl up onto the seat without any help.)  Too bad he had yet another cold!  I think he would have been just fine if he wasn't feeling so crummy already.  I guess we will have to try again when he is all better!
His cousins Kori and Lillie had been riding several times before and were eager to take their turns.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Many Faces of Kindi

So in case you hadn't heard yet... I think my daughter is absolutely beautiful! I can't get enough of her, so now I am going to share with you some of the many faces of my Kindi Kae!  Enjoy!
I think I have mentioned before that she has a reflux problem so she sleeps in her car seat.  She is getting active and aware enough now that she is starting to enjoy toys some.  That butterfly on her car seat makes a delightful wind chime type sound!
This was the first time she had ever worn that hat.  It doesn't work so well for sleeping though!  It eventually ended up completely over her eyes.
Kissy face.
Beautiful smiles!
Peeking through the toys.  She actually prefers to skip the toys on her bouncer seat and just watch me work in the kitchen, I guess the toys obstruct her view!
She knows she's cute!
You just can't help smiling back at a face that precious!
She is so close to laughing!  When I tickle her she gets a little grunt out once in awhile.  I can't wait to hear that first true chuckle!
She likes her arms up in the air just like her brother did.

Eating with a Fork!

Kaden is trying to grow up on me these days.  He absolutely loves to eat with a fork, just like the big people.  He struggles to get the food on the fork, then it is even harder to get it all the way to his mouth before it falls off. 
So he often just shoves it in his mouth after it falls off of the fork.  (I guess he isn't quite all grown up then!) Most of the time he prefers it if I get the food on the fork then let him put it in his mouth.

His cheeks are full but don't worry, that won't stop him from squishing more in them!

Kaden Behind the Wheel

So remember that weekend that Max and Linda came to help finish Kaden's sandbox?  Well that's not all they came for...
They brought Kaden his first set of wheels!
Papa put him behind the wheel, showed him where the gas pedal was, and then...
...caught him before he slammed into the computer desk!
So we decided maybe we should move outside!
Kaden is a pedal to the metal kind of driver.
Too bad he doesn't steer yet.  We have to chase him around and grab the jeep when he gets to a place that needs something more than a straight shot.
In fact it was quite awhile before we could even get him to put his hands on the wheel at all.
Ahhh doesn't he look like a pro now!  Even though he has figured out that his hands should be on the wheel, he doesn't do anything but hold it.  I suppose he is still a bit young yet to figure out the steering aspect.  That will come with time, right now he just goes in great big circles as his hands naturally pull the wheel slightly to one side.  We have a church parking lot behind our house that he can drive in though so it works out well!
Lily and Kindi                                     Grandma and Kaden
What visit is complete without some cuddles and storybooks?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kaden is 18 Months Old

Kaden is half way to two now.  I never could have anticipated the rate that time accelerated once I had kids.  At this age they change so incredibly fast, I never know what to expect next.  Kaden still isn't talking, but he is starting to try now.  He makes sounds and I think he is trying to say sentences now.  I'm fairly certain that he says, "I did it".  That's his cousin Kori's favorite phrase.  Most of the time he just makes lots of sounds that make it seem like he is talking, but nothing clear yet.  Anytime I ask him to say a word, like milk or Kindi, he just gives me a funny look and a smile, then stops his babbling.  Silly boy!
Isn't he a handsome young man!

Kindi is Two Months Old

Ahh how fast the time flies.  I struggle with the reality that my newborn is already two months old.  How does that happen?  She is such a beauty!  She loves to smile and coo and she is a touch spoiled I'm afraid!  She insists that she needs to be held sitting straight up, after all she is a big girl now.
Kindi does tummy time better than Kaden did, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that she enjoys it at all!
I adore this hat!  It is so cute and I put it on her every chance I get!  It is kind of hard to find things that go okay with it though since it is kind of a dusty pink color.
What you can't see is that she is staring very intently at her big brother.  She adores him and loves to watch him play and talk to him.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

Kaden's hair was getting so long it was almost in his eyes, we had started calling him our hippy boy... although I suppose he was totally stylin' since that seems to be how the boys wear their hair these days!  Usually we put him on somebody's lap to cut his hair, but Jeremy was busy at the moment I was ready to start so I sat him on the chair to see if he would let me cut it.
We gave him a cup of chocolate milk and I went to work.  The only problem seemed to be that my cutter seemed to be running out of batteries... it doesn't have batteries.  It was only cutting a little bit of his hair at a time, if any.
He sat quietly for along time while I tried to accomplish something with my dull, tired blades.
I only made it about half way before he was tired of this game and wanted to leave.
Please let me go Mom!
So sadly my son now runs around with half of a haircut although unless you are looking close you don't notice too much!  Maybe I will get new clippers soon, or maybe Jeni will just get really fast and I will let her do it!  (My sister is in cosmetology college.)