Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kindi's 2 Week Photo Session

So currently our beautiful little girl is over 7 weeks old, but these were taken at 2 weeks.
So we took a couple of this pose first and they turned out really cute, but then when I looked at them on my computer and rotated them it 'corrupted' them and Heather's camera wouldn't acknowledge them.  She accidentally deleted them before we realized that they were still visible on the computer.  Oops!  
When we tried it again Kaden was less than thrilled.
Kaden had gotten a little too much sun that morning.
Poor Kaden was totally not into this.  Kindi did great though.
Kaden now adores his sister and wants to kiss her every chance he gets!
My two precious babies!
My amazingly wonderful little princess!
Poor Kindi has a reflux problem.  We had several days of miserable screaming and obvious pain for our little one.  So we took her to Dr. Allender and he gave her Zantac.  So now both of my babies are on medicine. :-(  At least it has helped, for the most part now she is a pretty content little girl, although she has been spoiled into thinking she needs to be held all the time.  Holding her upright helps with the reflux too.  She does have some colicky times, but nothing abnormal anymore.  Praise God!

Daddy nuzzling his little angel!
  Kicking back and relaxing with Mommy!
Smiling at her Daddy!
Kindi has smiled so much since she was born.  In fact I am not even sure when it became intentional with her. She just always has smiled, although now I know that she is responding to people and things around her.
Heather did some editing on this one.  I was actually looking up towards the camera and laughing crazily at Kaden, so she swapped out my head.  :)
She is so beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. These are lovely. Great family. Hope you are having a wonderful spring with your two little babies and your beloved. *smile* Sorry both your babies are on medicine, so glad it's helping them though. Again, lovely pictures and beautiful family. Sincerley, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!
