Friday, June 18, 2010

Sand Box

So G&G Wells came to visit for a weekend and helped to finish Kaden's sandbox!  Jeremy and his dad got a yard and  half of dune sand to fill the hole.  It is such wonderful sand for building!
Someday we need to figure out some sort of framing for it to help hold the sand in, but for now it is just a patch of sand in the yard!
Kaden's first steps into his sandbox.  It was sprinkling off an on, but we just couldn't resist letting him check out his new toy.  He walked a few steps in then started stomping his feet in a happy little jig!
Grandma and Lily went to town and bought Kaden some toys for his new sandbox, they even bought enough for his cousins to come and play too.
Lily would help Kaden build a castle and he would gleefully smash it to bits with his little shovel.
He quickly figured out how to use his shovel, but had a hard time getting the sand to stay on it all the way to the bucket.  He sure enjoyed it though.
Ooo a big one to smash!
It was so sweet of Lily to build castles for Kaden to destroy!
Kaden                                                         Kori
My sister moved back to Lebanon the week before we finished the sandbox so Kaden got to invite them over to play with him.  He adores them.
Lillie                                                     Malaki
It's wonderful that it is plenty big for all of them to play together and still have space to move around.  This sandbox is going to get tons of use... if we ever get any real sunshine around here!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pretty pink flowers and such. Good job. To get the blog box thing from the backdrop place just remove the coding that places it somewhere. That's what I did. *smile* I noticed you moved it, and when I changed the thing it just moved it for me too, then I just tried taking out some of the coding and it showed up down where it is. If you would like I can e-mail you the coding so you can see what mine is missing.

    Those kids and that sand box/spot look GREAT! I bet you are elated to have your sister back close to home. I hope all is well with her and her family. Been watching her blog, not much information lately, so it was good to see that she is back in the area with her family. *smile* Bet the kids love seeing you all again. Have a great time in the dune sand at home. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!
