Thursday, December 30, 2010

Kaden is 2 Years Old

 Somebody help!  I think I am in shock! 
How in the world do I have a 2 year old already?
 Granted he is the cutest 2 year old I've ever seen, of course I'm probably a bit biased!
This is his 'Hmm' face.  He says that when I ask him where something is in one of his books.  It cracks me up!
 I was trying to get him to hook his thumbs in his vest...  He didn't quite get it.
My beautiful son brings so much light and laughter to us.  He is always coming up with something new.  He loves to 'eat' random objects.  He 'grabs' something, pretends to put it in his mouth, then while he chews it he puffs out his cheeks, and waggles his head while stomping and swaying side to side.  You have to see it to fully appreciate it.  He is talking now.  Most of it is still pretty illegible to people outside these four walls, but it is getting clearer and clearer.  We are even 'playing' potty training.  Neither one of us is quite ready to get serious about it yet I think.  Maybe now that Kindi is starting to crawl I will feel like I can give it the amount of attention it needs to be successful.  

Kindi is 8 Months Old

Well I'm only half a month behind this time...  
My Kindi girl is 8 months old.  And she crawls!!!  
She just started crawling the day after Christmas.  She is still pretty slow and adorably deliberate with every placement of her hands.  She also still has a tendency to forget to move her hands...  She doesn't tolerate the face plants very well.
 I am so excited about her new ability.  I always suspected that she was extra cranky because she so intensely desired to follow her brother around and play with the toys on the other side of the room.  Turns out I was right!  Yesterday, while I worked on the computer and Jeremy and Kaden had a date, Kindi roamed around playing in Kaden's room (where most of the toys are) for at least half of an hour!  All by herself!!!  If you haven't spent much time with Kindi you won't realize what a miracle this is, but for this often haggard mommy it was a slice of heaven!
 Today she was so sweet following her daddy into the kitchen.  We were all in the living room and she was doing a great job playing with the books.  Jeremy went to work in the kitchen and she took off (like a snail) to hunt him down, twice.  Squealing with glee when she made it around the corner and there he was.  
She is still Kindi though, don't worry.  She still knows how to throw a fit, does not tolerate any kind of pain, and is a total Mama's girl.  But life just got a little bit sweeter (and a lot less cranky) in the Wells' household.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

7 Months Old

So... since Kindi turned 8 months old today I figured I should post her 7 month pictures...  :)  Maybe I will get her 8 months up before she is 9 months.  And while I'm at it, maybe I will start posting our daily activities again... maybe!