Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Months Old

   Time is traveling way to fast.  I realize that I say that all the time, but it never ceases to amaze me how I blink and my baby isn't a newborn anymore.  She is growing and changing all of the time.  She hardly looks like the infant I brought home 3 short months ago. 
   On the flip side though, she smiles and is on the brink of laughing.  It mostly comes out as a grunt with an occasional squeal, but she's close!  Kaden started actually belly laughing at his 3 month photo shoot with Carpenter Photography just a couple of days after he turned 3 months.  We are about a week and a half after Kindi's (I know, I am slow getting these up.  Sorry!) so I expect to hear that wonderful baby belly laugh any day now.  I love the milestones.
As it seems is always the case these days, Kindi was fighting a bit of a cold when we took these pictures.  She did a good job anyways. 
Isn't her dress cute!  The Wahl's gave that to us.
Just playing a bit.  I downloaded Gimp for photo editing, but I never have the time to figure out how to use it so I just use my basic Picasa.
It is so much fun to see how different and how similar Kaden and Kindi look.  I love comparing Kaden's monthly birthdays with Kindi's.
   Thrilling news!  Okay, so maybe it won't be incredibly exciting for you, but for me?  Oh, yeah.  I finally got a remote for my camera!!!  So what that means is that I can set my camera up on a tripod and stand across the room to take a picture!  It will be great for family photos at Christmas, no more pressing the button, then running to your spot and waiting, and wondering, did it take the pic yet?  Now I can just set up, walk calmly to my designated position and say 'Smile!', and with the click of a button concealed in my hand we have a family portrait.
   It also works great for taking pictures of little kids who have a tendency to tip over when you let go.  In the above picture I have my hands under Kindi's skirt helping her to balance while she stands.  I couldn't do that before!  Of course the problem is that if they move they might not be fully in the picture. 
This one is my favorite.  I finally got a full smile out of her and her cute little hat (which is way to big) is actually on her head!  Too bad she started tipping right as I clicked the button.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Slip n Slide

We gave Malaki a Slip 'n' Slide for his birthday this year, June 13th.  He didn't think it was warm enough to play with it yet, but the other kids did.
Lillie                                             Kaden
The left side of it sprinkles the slider, or in this case, the runners!
Morgan was the first one brave enough to actually slide on it.  There is a big puddle, of really cold water, to splash down into at the end.
I used to love slip n slides.  Now I think... How in the world did I used to do that?  OUCH!  I have joined the 'runner' crowd!
Kaden is such a water dog.
It came with a 'surfer' to slide down on... Maybe I will try that one someday, but probably not!  Morgan tried to get Kaden to do it, he wasn't interested in it at all.  (This was the same day as the 4 wheeler when he was sick.)  Kori thought she wanted to do it although she really wasn't too thrilled once they got going.
Then Morgan talked Zach (her boyfriend) into letting her pull him on it.  After that he showed off his surfer skills.
It also doubles as a drinking fountain!  Silly Kori girl.
Soaked and loving every minute of it!
Lillie makes a flying leap over the splash down pool.