Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kindi is Two Months Old

Ahh how fast the time flies.  I struggle with the reality that my newborn is already two months old.  How does that happen?  She is such a beauty!  She loves to smile and coo and she is a touch spoiled I'm afraid!  She insists that she needs to be held sitting straight up, after all she is a big girl now.
Kindi does tummy time better than Kaden did, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that she enjoys it at all!
I adore this hat!  It is so cute and I put it on her every chance I get!  It is kind of hard to find things that go okay with it though since it is kind of a dusty pink color.
What you can't see is that she is staring very intently at her big brother.  She adores him and loves to watch him play and talk to him.


  1. My goodness! Time sure is flying by. She is beautiful. It's amazing what the older child teaches the younger one. Praise the Lord she is healthy and enjoying life with her big brother, daddy, and you. *big smile* She is so precious. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!

  2. She is soooo pretty! Really gorgeous! I love that hat too. I had a really similar one for my girls.

  3. Wow she really is beautiful Mandy! Congrats on your cute little family!!! I hope I'll see you all tomorrow for one more in the park!

  4. Wow growing so fast! Cuteness!
