Friday, September 18, 2009

9 Months

My baby is growing up so fast these days! I can hardly believe it. It is amazing how quickly he is changing and growing too. One of his favorite activities these days is 'reading'.
He loves to crawl up in the rocking chair with me, then lean over the arm where his books lay on the floor. Then he points (pointing is pretty recent and Oh, so cute!) at his books and gives a half giggle. Until I pick one up! Then he snuggles back with me to turn the pages. That is really all he wants to do, but he tolerates me reading, as long as I don't take too long, and make sure to point to the page a lot!
Dog has an orange fish.

Mom! I'm trying to read here. You are disturbing me.

Gotta love that smile!


  1. I've been missing your picture posts and Praise the Lord that you didn't lose your pictures! I was devastated for you when you lost them, so now I don't have to be anymore :)

  2. I, too, have missed your posts with your handsome little boy. *smile* Gotta love thos fall colors! Great pioctures and it's good to know you are back online. Hope all is well and looking forward to hearing more updates from your neck of the woods. *smile* Blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)

  3. I'm so glad your pictures are not lost! These are GREAT ones of Kaden! :)

  4. Awww, i love the pictures :0) You do great work :0)
