Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Day in the Park

Jeremy and I have put Kaden in the stroller and walked down to the park (5 or 6 blocks) a couple of times on nice sunny weekends. He has a blast and gets braver each time.
Walking up the steps like a big boy.
Come on Mom! This way!
He is in awe!
Not sure exactly what he is doing. Maybe cheesing his Daddy, maybe just enjoying the breeze on his face.
Mommy almost didn't fit! Now he slides down all by himself.
Wow! This is so fun!
He really didn't get real into the swings. He would much rather play on the slides.
So big walking up the slide!
Then he would slide down and look for his Daddy to start over again.
Notice how he is reaching for Daddy. He still wasn't too sure about doing this by himself. But with Daddy there he can do anything!
A couple of ladies were walking their dogs around the park. Kaden got excited and went to visit.

It has been a lot of fun around our new home. There are a lot of dog walkers and Kaden loves to visit them all. He doesn't even mind when they lick his face. He kind of stumbles back and giggles, but if they try to walk away he wants to follow. :)

Here are a couple of videos of Kaden trying to walk up the slides. Turn on your sound so you can hear him working!
Sorry the first one is sideways... I don't have a program on my new computer that will rotate them yet.


  1. HAHA the videos made me laugh!

  2. Parks are such a wonderful place for children and parents alike. *smile* We have a fun time when we can find a clean one. It's sad how some people don't take care of them as they ought to. Out kids notice the letters and such that older kids write on them. That gets hard to explain why that kid chose to do something that's not okay, but we try all the same. So glad you all are enjoying the parks in your area. And so close to home, that is WONDERFUL! Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings
