Thursday, August 6, 2009


As I was sitting at my parent's computer reviewing my latest calendar pictures, I glanced over to see my son starting up the steps. YIKES! We already had one fall this week, do we need another?
I grabbed my camera (which was right in front of me) and went to stand behind him.
He could see his cousin Kori headed up and wanted to follow.
He did so good!
I was way impressed!
He doesn't even pick his belly off the ground when he crawls yet, and here he is scooting up the stairs.
Are you watching Mom?
The only time he would stumble was when he would look back to make sure I was watching. Then he would tumble down a step or two (I helped him with a controlled fall, so no owies today.) and turn around and start right back up.
He got hung up on the corner though. The steps are too narrow next to the wall.
So proud of himself!
(Malaki and Lillie are sneaking in the picture so they can see themselves on the camera!)


  1. WOW! I don't know if it makes me happy or sad that he's growing up so quickly! Before we know it he's going to be running around like a blur!

  2. Nurve wracking, but VERY cool. And it looks like the four of them were haveing a GREAT time together. Glad you have calandar pictures available. Have a great time with family. Blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)
