Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Misadventures of Kaden Wells...

Kaden found a pen on the floor and colored on himself for the first time a couple of days ago. I wish I could say this would be the last time, but I'm sure it won't be.
It is a nice little line under his lip. As you probably guessed he was trying to eat it.

Have you ever heard a THUMP that made you sick to your stomach?

Yesterday Kaden was napping on my bed. This is a normal occurrence. It is his favorite place to take his morning nap. We go in and lay down together and talk and play until he is ready to fall asleep. Then after he is asleep I creep out of bed and surround him with pillows and blankets and things. My house is so small that while I am in the kitchen checking my email (yeah... my computer is in my kitchen...) I can easily hear him when he wakes up. He either shouts or starts talking. Yesterday he didn't do either. Instead he just decided he would use his new found abilities to crawl and come find me. This is when I heard a THUMP. I was out of my chair and half way to the bedroom before he could even start to scream. My heart was pounding and I was shaking so bad, my baby had just falling out of my bed. In normal circumstances this is bad enough, but my bed happens to be about 3 1/2, 4 feet off the ground. Not only did he crawl off the bed face first, but he landed on the step stool the my father in-law made for me to get into bed when I was pregnant. (That is how tall I am talking about, I couldn't crawl into bed with my belly without the step stool.) As best as I could tell he crawled off and landed on the edge of the stool with the bridge of his nose. He was just laying on his back next to it when I got there. Crying his eyes out with blood coming out of his nose. I held him and tried to talk reassuringly while I bit back my own tears. He cried and clung to me for awhile, but then he was fine. Other than the blood on his face and the nasty red line across his nose, which won't wash away like the blood, you would never know he had just had such a nasty spill.
His little nose is all swollen.
I talked to his pediatrician's nurse and they said that as long as he could still breathe through his nose and it stopped bleeding he didn't need to come see them. If in 4 or 5 days when the swelling has gone down his nose looks crooked or broken in anyway then they would fix it, but they couldn't do anything until the swelling goes down anyways.
I don't think it is broken, but it is hard to tell. There is a lump on the right side, but it is pretty swollen, I am hoping that is all.
He loves to chew on my watch.
What a great baby! Still smiling even with that nasty fall.
Still able to play and have a good time.
I think this was more traumatic for me than for him.

I will be sure to move my monitor back and forth to wherever he is sleeping now. He is back on my bed today, but the monitor is right next to him, and every time his breathing changes I am getting up to check on him.


  1. Ouch! What a brave little boy! I'm sure you were a wreck after that, but don't be too hard on yourself!

    I'm cracking up about the bloody nose and you grab the camera! I don't know how I would handle that...I'm not a good blood person as you know!

  2. *You think I look bad? You should see the other guy!!!*
    hehe well Kaden had a first for our kids... None of my kids have gotten a bloody nose. Lips, heads, knees, hands, just about everything else... but not the nose! :p
    Glad he is ok, wait to be touch Kade!

  3. Well... in my defense... I didnt' grab the camera until I knew he was fine! :)

  4. Poor baby! I have heard a few "thumps" in our house but so far they have only been the dog laying down on the hardwood floor un-gracefully. I don't do well with blood AT ALL so I'm going to be a mess when it comes to boo-boos and owies. I'm glad Kaden is okay! :)
