Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wanna Take a Bath?

Wanna take a bath?
This turtle is great for splashing!

Time for some serious splashing!
He is sitting so good now.

First I eat the turtle...
Then I use it to SMASH the crab!
Watch out ducky, you're next.
I'm sure he will hate that I posted pictures of his naked bum when he is 16!
Look at those beautiful baby blues!
He even likes to lay down in the water.
Oh, look! I have hands!
Love this crazy face!
Then, while I am snapping away, he grabs the side of the bath tub, and stands up! He had never done this before. He has only been pulling himself to a sitting position for a week maybe. Now he pulls himself up on the couches and chairs, and me. I had to lower the mattress in his crib yesterday because he was standing up in there and I wasn't taking any chances of him falling out of his crib too. My baby is going to be a toddler before I know it.


  1. HAHAHA, I LOVE it!!! These are adorable, you have such a CUTE little guy. I don't blame you for sharing cute little naked baby bum with the world, no matter how he feels about it when he's 16!

  2. yeah then he can pull off all the movies on grandmas shelf too! Woohoo! :P

  3. Your pictures are adorable. Thank you for sharing your moments with all of us. I looked back and read about the bed insident. We all feel bad the first time they fall off of something, be that the couch/bed/out of their crib/or out of a chair...but they heal and we all learn a little something. If nothing else than that they are growing and getting more mobile. *smile* I wish you the best in this time of your son growing and you both learning new abilities he has. *smile* Your son is cute. *smile* The bath shots are fun because you know they can't run off when you get the camera out. I position myself so I don't get "in" the tub and they give me some of their best smiles there. *smile* Funny how that is. The bubble bath pictures are always a joy to capture. Have fun with your little man today. Blessings-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)
