Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bits and Pieces of Our Lives

So since I am trying to catch up I will just share several pictures and short stories to get you up to date!
Kaden has a tendency to have wild hair anyways, but if you play peek-a-boo with a fleece blanket... Wild Thing!
These pictures are just because I think he is stinkin' cute! He has my dimples.
Kaden now has 9 teeth and is working on his second premolar (at least I think that is what they are called, he skipped his eye teeth). How do I know he is working on another tooth? Because if he can find my bare toes he will nibble on them. Yeah, I know, that is strange (Julie try not to faint at the idea!), but nevertheless, that is what he does. He doesn't actually bite them, he just kind of rubs his teeth on my toes. It actually tickles pretty badly. I may have told you this before, but I couldn't remember and it is definitely something worth sharing! I personally have never heard of a stranger teething habit.
As I was trying to put linens and things away Kaden took advantage of my back being turned to pull out the extra blankets and put himself away!
He climbs on everything and is so proud of himself when he succeeds.
Kaden had another Dr. appointment yesterday. He is up to 25.4 lbs now! That means that he has put on 4 pounds in 2 months. I thought he was growing, but that is a lot! Of course he got to stand on the big boy scale for the first time, so some of that is his clothing I suppose.
His TSH levels went back up again (that's the one that tells his body to make more thyroid, only it can't), so now we are doing 75 micrograms a day. We will check again in 2 months and see if we have stabilized yet, but with as fast as he is growing right now he will probably need more yet again. :)
When Kaden gets tired he finds a binky and a blankie, a silky blankie that is. If he is fighting being tired he will pull the coats on the floor then lay down on them. Otherwise he brings me his blankie for some snuggle time!
27 weeks
Sorry, this picture is pretty old, I need to go take a new one. It is just so hard to find time these days when Jeremy is home to man the camera for me!
So it was pointed out to me that I haven't given any updates lately on our little Kindi. She is doing great! We are 32 weeks now so only a couple of months to go. I limp around a lot these days, but that is just part of being pregnant, she seems to be pinching my right hip somehow. She is a busy little one and is going to be strong like her big brother. At her last appointment her heart rate was 145 and she is measuring right on track still, so hopefully she won't be quite as big as her brother was!
I have also been asked how we decided on her name. I was looking up name meanings one day and ran across Kendi, which means 'The Loved One'. I really liked the name so we just changed the spelling and there you have it, our sweet Kindi Kae. (Kae is my mother-in-laws middle name.) It actually works out well too because Amanda means 'Beloved'.


  1. Just beautiful! Love those smiles from your Kaden. *smile* He is so cute! And those pregnancy pictures are so much fun! Thank you for sharing them.

    ps...just a note to say thanks for making time to share your thoughts on the worship post on my journal. I appriciate your thoughts and understand what you are saying as well. Please understand that I understand why some churches have "moved with society" in this area but I fear we are loosing something in leaving the past to the past in this area. I too enjoy praising God with my voice and with instruments. I just think it might be good to change things up a bit now and then. You know how I love to praise the Lord, you were with me, and it was a joy of my heart. Thank you so much, once again for sharing your thoughts with me. Know that some people have been hurt pretty bad by the body of Christ for one reason or another and others feel they have been forgotten because they really realish the words in the "old hymns". I can understand that too, there is much to be said for tradition and also much to be said for growth. Have a wonderful day and thanks again. Your comment was taken with a light heart on this end. It was great to see what you thought there. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings

  2. Seriously?? Nibbling on your toes?? Gross! Oh well, he's so incredibly cute I'll try not to think about it too much :)
