Friday, February 19, 2010

Sippy Cups and Computers

So Kaden officially weaned himself at about 11 months. I had planned to nurse until he was a year, but I sure wasn't going to force him to when we were that close anyways. So thankfully weaning was an easy process, getting him to drink whole milk on the other hand?
He gives it a try, then makes a 'yucky' face.
Then chugs down his water.
Add a touch of chocolate to it though and he will chug until it is gone stopping only once or twice for a quick breathe. So since I spent a few weeks trying to get him to drink his milk without more than a sip or two I decided to change my tactics. I gave him chocolate milk instead, I know, bad mommy. But honestly, isn't it better to give him a little bit of chocolate and get that much needed milk? What I am doing is slowly weaning him off of the chocolate. Currently he is getting slightly tan milk, but he doesn't seem to notice that most of the chocolate is gone now. Hopefully soon he will drink his milk white like normal children! But as a milk hater myself, I don't blame the poor boy! Milk is yucky!
Kaden 'helping' Daddy fix Mommy's computer. Daddy getting a lesson in patience!
They succeeded, but it died in the move, so now I have a new one.


  1. Oliver just weaned himself at 10 months and I was a little sad but clearly it was the best choice for us both. He's on formula still and we're just starting with the sippy cup. We'll see how he does with whole milk. David and I are both big milk fans so maybe he'll follow in our steps and we won't have to resort to chocolate. :)
    Glad to see you're back to blogging!

  2. Very cute. Your poor Jeremy. *smile* So glad he was able to fix your computer and all is well once again. *smile* Have a great day with your little pince charming. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings
