Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bath Time

Kaden LOVES to take a bath.  Sometimes we fill the tub and get in with him... sometimes we just put a few inches in and lay him in, he doesn't care.  When the tub is full we place a hand under his head and let him swim.  He looks a little bit scared in this picture, but he is actually having a blast kicking and splashing

We also have several floating toys, duckies, frogs and such.  I let him stand in the tub leaning on my legs while I clean out all of those creases and rolls that he likes to hide crud in.  He will jump and 'run' and splash at those duckies!  His favorite is a cow print ducky from Jeremy's cousin Heather.  He gets so excited, it cracks me up.  

In other news...
We were getting our 3 month family pictures taken yesterday, and Kaden laughed for the first time.  It was an adorable chuckle cackle sort of deal.  I cajoled him into it again while changing his diaper and getting him ready for bed last night.  Is there a more joyful sound?


  1. He is so pleasantly plump - I love it!

  2. Heh, he's going to be so mad someday when he realizes you posted nudie-pictures of him online! I'm SO going to remember this one to tease him about when he's a teenager!!!
