Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great Accomplishments....and Not So Great Accomplishments!

Warning: This post is not for those who are squeamish.  It may contain material unfit for tender ears, uh... eyes.  Proceed with Caution!

So I haven't posted in awhile, and have several entertaining stories to catch you up on.  They are color coded for your convenience (and my enjoyment!).

I had planned to post today bragging about how Kaden slept 8 hours last Friday night, and has had at least one 6 - 7 hour stretch each night since.  That was until I woke up this morning and realized that my baby boy had been sleeping for 10 hours!  I was shocked, and a little worried that he was still breathing!  Jeremy had just checked on him though and assured me that he was breathing and sleeping soundly.  So if you have ever been a nursing mother... You will understand what comes next.  I felt like I was going to explode!  I had completely soaked through my breast pad and was working on my bed.  It is a good thing skin is tough, otherwise I might have popped... and what a mess that would have been!  After I nursed Kaden I pumped 7 1/2 oz... and only quit then because one of my bottles was full.  Guess I don't need to worry about having enough milk.  :)

Have you ever had a baby boy?  They have this nasty habit of peeing all over everything!  Kaden is a pro.  I can change a diaper with lightening speed, but he is even faster!  The second I get his diaper off he will go.  Well...  it back fired on him the other day as I was getting him ready for bed.  Maybe this is uncouth of me to put in my blog and he will probably be mortified someday, but it was pretty funny!  I pulled his diaper off and lifted his legs as I slid his new one under him...  He jerked funny and I looked up to see him totally showering his face.  Full contact his eyes and mouth were closed and all the little crevices were filled.  Luckily I always keep a towel nearby since he is such a drool monster.  I quickly soaked up all the excess urine and dried his face and hair.  (Then sponge bathed him down)  He didn't get any on the bed this time though.  Of course he was already a little bit cranky and that REALLY ticked him off.  Oh, well.  Maybe he will learn a little bit of control!  Is it bad to find this amusing?

If you have spent much time with Kaden you have probably seen him trying to suck his fingers.  Usually he just sucks on the edge of his fist, but lately as he develops some more coordination he would get a finger or two.

Now he is fairly consistently getting his fingers in his mouth.  These seem to be his favorite ones, although sometimes he goes for his middle two.  Never his thumb though.  His thumb is almost always tucked in, so he never figured out how to get it in his mouth.  I think it is so adorable when babies suck their fingers!  


  1. Ah, I so remember (with each) the first time they slept for long periods of time. First the fear that they weren't breathing, then the immediate need for pumping! (Later on, your supply will regulate itself and your body will adjust so you'll no longer have all those extra ounces to pump--my advice is pump it and store it while you have it; it never hurts to have extra in the freezer).

    I have never had the joy of changing boys, so I never witnessed an in the face fountain like you describe here, but I think I would have found it funny too. The girls have managed to pee on me from time to time though. Right after Beth was born and I had just bought a new pair of jeans (since none of my pre-baby jeans fit!) I was carrying her naked from her bedroom to the bathroom for a bath--a distance of about two steps across the hallway--and in those 10 seconds of diaperlessness she managed to pee all over my new jeans.

    He's a cute little guy and that bottom picture just makes me want to pinch his chubby little cheeks!

  2. LOL, that's one to tell future girlfriends!!! It grosses me out a little to think about it, but it's too, too funny at the same time!

    Great pictures! I've been looking forward to you posting new stuff all week!!!

  3. Ha ha! Awesome stories! I am one of the "squeamish types" so I was worried that I shouldn't keep reading your entry after the warning, but it wasn't bad at all. =)

    I'm looking forward to possibly having some similar stories to share in the near future... I LOVE these pics of Kaden - he's becoming such a handsome little guy! =)
