Monday, March 2, 2009

Meet the Cousins

Malaki William
3 1/2 years old

Lillie Lee
2 1/2 years old

Korinthia Dawn
almost 8 months

Kori and Lillie posing for the camera, Kaden is just wondering what in the world they are doing.

Kaden and Kori love to 'talk' to each other.  Kori is just starting to crawl/scoot around now, so we have to watch her.  She may be smaller than Kaden, but she can still put her fingers in his eyes!
Lillie is such a little 'mommy'.  She loves to help with the babies.  She is always finding a bottle for Ko'i or a blanket for Ka'en.  She fetches diapers and wipes and throws dirty ones away.  Jeni is pretty lucky to have such a willing helper.
Malaki has better things to do then play with the babies, most of the time anyways.  He has a great imagination and you never know what game he will be coming up with.  I'm sure Kaden is going to adore him when he is a little bit older. 

So now you have met the cousins on my side of the family.  I will have to introduce you to the cousins on Jeremy's side of the family very soon.  

1 comment:

  1. The pic of Kori up makes me think of your dad. I think it's the wide eyes and goofy smile!
