Monday, April 13, 2009

A Tongue and a Cold

Kaden has known that he has a tongue for quite some time.  And he has always enjoyed rolling it around in his mouth or playing with it while sucking his fingers.  Now he has figured out how to get it out of his mouth.  I never thought it would be so adorable to see him stick his tongue out!  :)  The greatest part is that he will do it when you stick your tongue out at him... hmmm, maybe that is a bad habit to start... too late!  

Sticking his tongue out only increases the drool problems though...

Look at him so proud of himself!

In other news...
Some of the following may gross  you out!

Since it was Easter weekend Kaden had a lot of people to visit, most of my mom's side of the family hadn't ever met him.  He did a great job, but was a little bit subdued, I thought he was just overwhelmed.  Maybe that was part of it, but after I put him to bed last night he woke up crying really hard around 11:00.  Several weeks ago I would have thought nothing of this, but lately he doesn't wake up at night (Hurray!).  I got up and went to see what was wrong.  Poor little guy was screaming, then all of a sudden he coughed really hard... and now I have a very unpleasant glob of mucus running down my front.  My poor baby has his first cold.  This explains why he seemed to have a lot of boogers the last day or so, and I thought he might have a bit of a runny nose last night, but with as much as he drools and rubs his hands all over his face... it can be hard to tell!  So I did not get a lot of sleep last night.  He needed to be held upright to keep the gunk from choking him, and I have never been able to sleep while holding him.  So I tried that for awhile, then put him back to bed, he woke up an hour later screaming and gunky again.  So I sat with him again for an hour or so and put him back in bed, but this time I strategically laid down some blankets that would prop him up a little bit.  Still he woke up after a bit.  So we tried it again.  Then around 5 or 6 this morning (I lost track of time) I had a brainstorm.

After I rocked him back to sleep I put him in his car seat.  He was able to get 3 hours of sleep that way.  This is how he is taking his nap right now while I post this.  (As soon as I'm done... I'll join him in that nap!)  
Oh, I tried those yucky suction things, but either I am too timid or his nostrils are too small, because I can't get it up his nose to suck out the nastiness.  So far he seems to be okay if I keep him propped up.  Although he did have a fairly 'good' explosion after his breakfast this morning.  Hopefully he kept some of it down when he coughed his little throat clear.  Being the beautiful blessing that he is, he had lots of smiles and wanted to play with me this morning, so at least he isn't a cranky grouch... maybe you shouldn't ask Jeremy if I am though...  :)  Kaden got a lot more sleep than I did!

1 comment:

  1. I love the tongue sticking out!! I don't love the mucus so much though...blech! Ian has the mucus now too, and as not cute as it is with a baby, it's REALLY not cute with a hubby.
