Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Blast From the Past.

Okay so you probably can't really classify it as 'the past' when your son is only 20 months old and your daughter is only 4 months old, but... I did anyways!  I uploaded the pictures from Jeremy's camera the other day.  That doesn't happen nearly as often, so some of these are fairly old.  (You know, like 4 months!)
Jeremy chaperoned a field trip to the Civil War Reenactment here in Lebanon at the end of last school year.  Because it was here he just met the bus there and was able to take Kaden with him.  Kaden went on his first horse ride... okay so he sat on a horse and promptly begged to get off!  Jeremy said that when they shot all their big artillery cannons Kaden didn't even flinch!  What a brave little man.
One of the first few days of Kindi.  Kaden desperately wanting to touch and play with her!  This was when she would actually sleep on Jeremy's chest, although she never liked the tummy to tummy position.  Much to Jeremy's chagrin.  
Kaden on the other hand, still loves to sleep on his tummy!
Me and my precious babies!  (Yikes!  I may not be losing it very fast this time, but thankfully I am losing some of the weight!)  Kindi cracks me up with her hands by her face.  She almost always sleeps like that.
Kaden checking out Daddy's new car with Grandma, Papa, and Lily.
Oh how he loves to give his sister kisses.  He is always crawling up next to her or squatting on the floor beside her, while I am warning him to be nice, just to give her kisses!  I've got him trained to give me kisses now too.  I get three!  One on each cheek and one on the lips.  I love it, he is so sweet!  (Sometimes I have to bribe him to do it though, he is always willing to kiss me for an Oreo!)
Kaden snagged my cell phone and then took off running.  Well feeling kind of aggravated that he was running away with my cell phone I followed only to have my aggravation melt away into smiles of adoration.  He needed to sit in his rocking chair so he could 'talk' on the phone.  It was too cute to stay irritated!
Apparently wearing Daddy's shoes is hilarious!
I don't get to play out in the sand box with Kaden very often, so when I do I am sure to teach him important things.  Like how to bury his leg in the sand, you know, crucial life lessons.
Kindi discovered she has a tongue.
And she is adorable when she smiles with it!
Gangsta rap star?
Please, no pictures!
Jeremy is making it a tradition to take Kaden to work with him on the last day of school.  Everyone knows that the last day is basically just a big party day anyways, so Kaden just adds to the festivities.  The kids love him.  And as you can see he makes himself right at home...
...Getting into everything!
Kaden loves to make 'forts' under the table and barricade himself behind all of the chair legs.
Kindi's first trip in the belly pack.  She did great!  She even managed to make it all the way to Grandma's house!!!  
(Okay, for those of you who don't know... Grandma's house is the blue one behind me and I am standing by my fence exactly one block away.)
Look at that poor face!  If I remember right the long scratch and bruise on his forehead was from falling and hitting a book that was standing up open.  And then the cut under his lip I think came from the coffee table... but it's hard to remember what owie is what!  That boy gets new bumps and bruises almost daily!
Luckily they don't effect his attitude.  He is still full of smiles and laughter.  The sunshine in our days along with Kindi!

1 comment:

  1. Love this flash back post. The pictures are GREAT! I like to look back at pictures of our two when they were just itty bitty too. *smile* It's fun to see and remember the feelings of being overwhelmed but not wanting anything different than what I was blessed with. *big smile* Have a great day and thanks again for making the time to share. Sincerely, Mommy of two little blessings & so much more!
