Saturday, September 25, 2010

Putting in a New Lawn

Jeremy has been hard at work whenever he has a few spare moments.  On the weekends, after work in the evenings, sometimes even before he leaves for work in the mornings!  He has been redoing our front and side lawns.  Most of the work he did all by his lonesome, but some of the time he was blessed with an extra pair of hands:
Jeremy did the rototilling without his helper, but Kaden was eager to jump in and help as soon as he was able.  First they raked the dead grass clumps out of the dirt...  
Then they shoveled the grass into a trash can to haul it back to the backyard for composting.
Sometimes Kaden got a little bit carried away and just started 'shoveling' down the sidewalk!
Then they raked again...
Now Kaden is feeling like a big boy.  He doesn't need Daddy to help him with the shovel anymore!
Well, maybe the shovel is too heavy to lift all by myself... 
 I'll just carry the dead grass...
and throw it in the can.
Sometimes he got a bit confused and threw the grass into the street instead.  Well, that isn't exactly true...  if you have spent any time with Kaden you realize that he just threw the grass into the street because he could.  He may not be allowed to go into the street, but he can throw the grass there!
And then it was break time!
He was scooting down the curb just like that.

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